Bus Safety and
Health Protocol

Bus Safety and Health Protocol
Dear Brickell Kidz Bus Family:
We hope you and your family are doing well. We miss seeing each one of you riding on our school buses.
Since a soft opening of schools, we have gone above and beyond industry standards to ensure that our buses are clean and safe.
We want to keep you updated on our school buses’ improvement and introduce new health protocols to secure the kids’ and staff members’ well-being.
Covid 19 bus transportation protocol
In order to prevent students from being exposed to or spreading the Covid 19 virus we will use the following protocols when busing students:
Covid 19 bus transportation protocol
In order to prevent students from being exposed to or spreading the Covid 19 virus we will use the following protocols when busing students:
Bus Usage: BBK will only transport contracted schools or camps during the shift assigned.
Bus Capacity: BBK Capacity will be reduced by 40% per load. For bus and van (14 passenger van reduced to 6 passengers; bus capacity 65 passenger reduced to only 20 children).
Sanitizing Procedures: Buses are cleaned at every use during the day, after every ride and pressure cleaned weekly or as needed. Brickell Bus Kidz will be using EPA approved Clorox Wipes and Alcohol Spray to sanitize the inside surfaces of the vehicle. Each vehicle will be wiped down. Items to be wiped down include the entry handrail, the fronts and backs of seats and any hardware or accessories, windows, window handles, exterior surfaces and hardware of the entry door as well as driver controls of the bus such as the steering wheel and mirrors. Tissues will be available for students who cough or sneeze. In addition, a trash disposal station will be readily available. Students will be educated in proper disposal of used tissues. BBK will dispose of tissues after each run as part of disinfecting the bus.
Pre-Boarding: Students will be temperature checked before entering the vehicle with an infrared thermometer (see photo below). Student showing a temperature of 100.4°F (38°C) or higher or a low grade fever with a temperature of 99.6°F to 100.3°F will not ride the bus and the program director will be informed immediately. Parents will be notified if a student needs to remain at home. Upon arrival to the bus students will enter the bus maintaining social distance, one at a time, with use of the vehicle hand sanitizing station before proceeding to their seat.
During Bus Ride: All students are required to remain seated and windows will be open, weather permitting, for circulation of air.
Personal Protective Equipment: Bus drivers and students will all be expected to wear PPE on the bus. Students will wear a mask when en route to their seat, entering and exiting the bus and will refrain from touching any seats while moving down the aisle to their seat. Signage will be posted inside the bus to encourage good hygiene and assigned seating indicating the proper method to protect others when coughing or sneezing on the school bus.
Seating: All students will have assigned seating for the duration of the busing contract. Students will proceed to the farthest empty seat to the rear of the bus and be seated next to the window, students shall sit one (1) student per seat, alternating rows, to maintain social distancing. Students must remain seated until it is time to exit the bus, students will not stand or reach over the seats for any reason. All buses are equipped with cabin view mirrors and bus drivers are able to view all students during the ride.
Exiting bus: At the time of exiting the bus, students will unload front to back, the student closest to the exit door will unload first, students will remain seated until the student exiting before them is a minimum of 3 seats away, students will maintain a social distance of six (6) feet at all times. Students will use the sanitizing station during the exiting process.
Non Compliance: Students not following protocols will be subject to standard discipline policies that include permanent expulsion from riding the bus.
Driver Training: All drivers will receive training on proper disinfecting procedures for the bus. These procedures will follow CDC recommendations. The training will include the following at a minimum.
- Proper cleaning and disinfecting techniques.
- Proper use and disposal of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
- Safe product usage guidelines (chemical safety).
- Proper methods to empty and dispose of trash.
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